Friday, December 3, 2010

Baptism Service Following Worship This Sunday (Dec. 5)

Dear Members and Friends of FCCO,

It is with excitement that I write to you with this reminder today that this Sunday, December 5, at 1:00, right after our 10:30 morning worship, Maria Luisa Jimenez-Morales, Gloria Ramsaroop, Jean Jeffress, Carol Robison, and Jackie Gamble will be baptized by immersion at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at 111 Fairmount Ave here in Oakland.

Since adult baptism by immersion is fully embraced, but unusual, in the United Church of Christ; and since we do not have a baptistry at First Congo, we are a grateful to our ecumenical partners and neighbors; First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Oakland, First Oakland Korean Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and First Oakland Mongolian Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for hosting us, for rearranging their Sunday schedules, and for lending us their baptistry (and heating the water) for this joyful event.

Here is the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) website for directions, and for more information. First Oakland (DOC) is about a five-block walk from First Congo. There is also a parking lot in the back of First Oakland (DOC) on Fairmount Ave.

Please join us in praise and celebration as we "wade in the water" together.

Warm Regards and Blessings,

Rev. Jeanne Loveless

Interim Senior Pastor